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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Public Speaking?
OMG! I was almost late for goodness sake for college @.@
So I was late into class thanks to Fayy xD LOL! Cause I had to wait for her.
Luckily Mahtuk was there to teman me. And of course Bryan come to kepoh...

During public speaking, we were taught to be confident and bla bla bla,
I introduced myself and bla bla... (Forgotten MOST of it)
There was a few funny guys and girls!
Too bad they're from either Diploma of Hotel & Tourism Management,
Certificate in Business or Diploma of Business Admin... LOL!
We had a little break and Ms. Nalina wanted us to perform IMPROMPTU.
Which means you are given a topic or object and you have to elaborate on that object.
We had 6 people perform cause Ms.Nalina have not enough props and TIME.
But in the class was about 20+ people?
I was the last one.... Which. Got the Styrofoam cup ;D
Which was cute! SO we finished the public speaking thing by 11+?
And went for our photoshoot for student cards.

But on the way. My allergies came up T^T OH THE HORROR!
My lips look like hot dogs for the picture =="
Oh well what has been done is DONE xD

Had lunch with Sam, Fayy, Julia, GG, Jason, Leon... Bryan came to kacau a little.
My lunch was RM 5.20... JUST for 3 dishes and rice.. Too pedas so left it there ;p
OMG! If i continue like this I wont be able to buy the stuff I want...

So Valerie came as well.. Awhile to kacau us during her class. How sweet of her ^^
Then Jason went off... And then Sam.
When Sam and I were leaving our seniors from Student Council ask If we're coming this Friday...
12.30 to 1pm? I'll be there xD LOL!

So with everyone gone and waiting for Frisbee time at 4.30pm....
So I'll lepak at KBU college's library reading this?

*Book from Penguin Readers english level 5.. LOL!*

*My left VIEW*
*My right VIEW*

I'll update bout Frisbee later xD
So bye peeps who even read this xD
Which also I Thank You ^^
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