layout by bahiyahnor
Friday, October 14, 2011
Just a RANDOM post :D Since it's been sooo long since I last posted... Kitchen Creatures is CUTE! I mean the name :P Cause when I say I wanna eat Kitchen Creatures, we can make the joke that we wanna eat rats and cockroaches :33 Movie! "The Thing"... Hmmm.. Not as interesting as I thought, though the monsters was created nicely. Wasn't much climax and stuff. It's just like a read through book or something. Oh well.. BTW~ Tips for lady drivers who's boyfriend leaves their cigarette packet in your car and you hate the thought of it... When you feel sleepy and you're stuck in a bad traffic jam. Just think, Awww. I'm sleepy. I should smoke a stick to stay awake. You don't need to actually smoke it; just the thought of it will make you stay awake ;D blogged @ 9:00 PM with
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