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Friday, October 14, 2011

"The Thing"
Just a RANDOM post :D Since it's been sooo long since I last posted...

Kitchen Creatures is CUTE!
I mean the name :P Cause when I say I wanna eat Kitchen Creatures,
we can make the joke that we wanna eat rats and cockroaches :33

"The Thing"... Hmmm..
Not as interesting as I thought, though the monsters was created nicely.
Wasn't much climax and stuff. It's just like a read through book or something.
Oh well..

Tips for lady drivers who's boyfriend leaves their cigarette packet in your car and
you hate the thought of it...
When you feel sleepy and you're stuck in a bad traffic jam. Just think,
Awww. I'm sleepy. I should smoke a stick to stay awake.
You don't need to actually smoke it; just the thought of it will make you stay awake ;D

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